Managing Life with Grace and Ease….or Maybe NOT!

This is often what our mornings look like. I often sit here in the chair along with Maddie and prioritize my to do list. And Dexter sits on the bed and George works on the computer a bit, checks the news, checks the bank, pays any bills. We sip coffee, get our showers and then head in. I’m pretty sure this was Saturday morning though. We had only a bit of time before needing to head out the door for Christmas Village.

I got a protein smoothie which was really good. I wanted to get another Acai Bowl but a quick glance at the nutrition chart showed it had 50 something sugar grams and some of it was added sugars. I just declined. I’ve decided I’ll get one for my birthday though, lol.

I was proud that we got here at Christmas Village when we did. We only had to wait half hour. We were pretty close to the front. Except that they began another line and the other line kinda took over. It made our line people mad. Then we had a third line beginning and that made me mad. All in all it really didn’t matter. It was just the principle of the thing. I am so appalled when people break the rules when they know better. You think they would have shame but they don’t. It always makes me embarrassed for them.

Here’s the third line forming – I guess they didn’t want to bother waiting in line like the rest of us so they created their on line to break in. We got ahead of them though. lol. George was going so fast when the door opened I had to grab the back of his shirt. The lady next to me sad “ya’ll going fast can I clip on to him too”. LOL LOL LOL

One of the local news teams (I think we have four of them now) showed up. WKRN, Channel 2. They are my favorite. I hardly ever watch the news anymore. I guess I should. Maybe I will when I retire. I don’t have time for it now.

We had a good time and we spent a fortune and I’m thinking everything is just horribly overpriced. So maybe we will do something different next year. I will have to say I was really not much in the mood to shop. I also am not fond of a lot of crowds. It was not as crowded as before, but before 2020, the prices were better and it seemed like there were good deals. It was ok but I wasn’t just impressed. I was very skeptical and we still paid out the wazoo for what we did get.

Our local cafe was in town. I bought a little cake piece and also two snicker doodle cookies. I ate one of the cookies, but didn’t get to eat the cake. I came down with diverticulitis.

So I was reading that diverticulitis occurs after diverticulosis is occurring. You just don’t know it is happening. So sometime in the last week I have eaten something or somethings that created a situation in which something is getting lodged in my diverticula and starting to get irritated. You don’t feel it until it gets inflamed. Well I had Hattie B’s Hot Chicken after the Christmas Village. And since I apparently was starting to get inflamed, this was a mistake. I had such pain like you would not believe. It was almost unbearable. I had to hold on to something. It was like pregnancy contractions in your abdomen.

This towel was funny but not very cute and not worth the $12 I didn’t think. But worth the picture.

I always hate it when I get diverticulitis because whatever I have eaten right when it happens, I always think that is the cause of it. And based on what I read, it’s likely not. However, I’m sure where there is an infection or inflammation kicking of, the hot and spicy is not going to help it any, nor anything that would cause gas pockets to form. TMI sorry.

I didn’t notice that man in the picture. He looks mad that I’m taking a pic, all judgmental like. lol. Oops. I was just wanting the kitchen. Sorry, mister. Have a good day, lol. I’m sure he is a nice man, just got caught in the photo line.

George likes him some Hattie B’s. I think he’s making a face because he got a pretty heated version. I wish I had his stomach.

Home Early for the Afternoon

We got home early for the afternoon since Christmas Village only took about 4 hours. I’m really glad to have some of that time. We looked through all we bought and began organizing gifts into boxes for people and also stocking stuffers. We have made a lot of progress, but need to regroup and make a list of what is still left. My goal for that is Thanksgiving.

So here’s me coming to ya from my PJ’s this morning. In the afternoon on Friday after we got home, I began having severe pain in my abdomen and I knew I was having some kind of attack. I drank water, drank water, and drank water. I believe I drank about 3 glasses of water overnight. So I was up 3 or 4 times. Maddie was a trooper. She would just resettle every time I got back in bed or sat there with me while I sipped.

Saturday morning I still had some pretty bad pains but I was still on liquids and took Acetaminophen, drank apple cider juice, drank a hydrate drink that I have, and pretty much tried to get things done.

Our washer is out of use because of a stopped up pipe that leads in/out of it so George has tried all weekend to fix it but without success. So he is supposed to call the plumber tomorrow. So I washed my jeans, some pj’s and my underwear. George had already tested a wash load with his clothes. So I have enough to get through the week now. Mom said we could use hers but I had too much to do at home and just wanted to be at home. So I washed, rinsed and wrung out by hand. OMGosh I have an appreciation for the old days. No wonder they had a wringer machine, lol. That was hard. Jeans were the worst!

So after the washing ordeal my body said “enough is enough” as I had developed a fever. I was having to bend a lot and move around a lot. So I ended up in bed. This happens to me often when I finally have a day to myself to do anything. So I naturally had to forward to do items to today or even next week or throughout the month.

So Today….

I felt much better but still had some pain this morning and a bit this afternoon. The fever was only a small one. I did a few things standing this morning – the most strenuous thing was changing my sheets. And wrapped a few Christmas presents so I could get that done while George was at church this morning. So I didn’t go and Mom didn’t either. She says she can’t get up that early that it’s hard for her now. She said she could wait for groceries. George went on to church and to life group and took the fruit. He got home around 3 or so. I think he stopped at the store. I think he would go to the store every day if he could. lol

Anyway, I stayed home and mainly worked on computer related items, cleaned my office and dusted it, and worked on video files for the next 3 videos and ironed some pants. I did not nap, but was prepared to if I felt I needed to.

I am about ready to go to bed now. It’s been a good day. Having so much to do kept my mind somewhat off of eating. The other thing with diverticulitis is that really you are not hungry anyway. I always go by what my body tells me within reason. It tells me when I should try eating again. I had some Mac and Cheese this morning and also some eggs this evening. So I don’t feel hungry. My tummy is not right though so it’s letting me know I must still be on liquids and very soft foods tomorrow. I will have oatmeal and will add honey to it. I will also have broth and rice for lunch – and my hydrate drink or my greens drink. And some hot tea.

Lots to do for Mom

I have to finalize her cleaning person, apply for the freeze on her property taxes, and set up a hair appointment for her this week. She said Sunday was fine for her grocery needs and George has to change her fans in a different direction. I think winter is clockwise.

Foods to Eat to Avoid Diverticulitis.

I asked AI to provide a list for me of the foods to eat to avoid diverticulitis, and a list of foods to not eat to avoid diverticulitis. Here’s what is said. At least I didn’t have to do my own research..again. We have to be careful though b/c sometimes AI is misinformed, lol. It’s certainly not omniscient. I happen to question whether I can eat kale. It’s suspect! As is nuts. Although I have eaten nuts many times and didn’t have it. But I’m getting this so often now that I think I will just have to do without them. What hurts the most is giving up popcorn. I’ve also eaten it many times without problems. This time popcorn was not it. I haven’t had it in about two weeks, maybe three. So I may still eat some popcorn. lol Cabbage is suspect as is hot dogs and sausages. That either plays havoc with my system or creates a bad gut environment. I know that for sure. And the other thing is bread and enriched flour. I keep saying I need to quit and I never do. It’s so hard. I have also allowed some sugar in my diet and I’m sure that doesn’t help either.

Ok I need to go to bed now. I hope you all have had a great weekend. I’ll pop in mid week. You all take care! I plan to go to work tomorrow unless I wake up with a fever.

Nite Nite

5 responses to “Christmas Village, Hattie B’s Hot Chicken, and Diverticulitis”

  1.  Avatar

    My SIL struggled with diverticulitis for several years. Finally she had to have the part of her colon removed that was causing problems. This was about 15 years ago and she hasn’t had any problems since.

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar

      I’m afraid that could happen. I’ve known people with that surgery that didn’t come out. So trying to avoid.

  2. sybil wilson Avatar
    sybil wilson

    Let’s hope by now you will be feeling a lot better. It’s happening to often these days…maybe you will have to go back to see Dr…. BUT your pain aside you seem to have had a fabulous Christmas shopping expedition. I think this is the year when you will have to put a nice little note in your lovingly wrapped gift saying That. this year will be the last one that you will be able to give such a gift as you and George have been able to over the years. We will both be retired and consequently our disposable money will be much reduced. However let’s celebrate this year as we always have…..
    Mary and I this year have made the sad decision to cut back on Xmas cards we usually send around 100 between us but with the cost of postage always rising it’s become almost a problem ( I worked out that it was going to cost us aprox £75 ($92)just to post cards…as well as buying them…even having cut back it’s going to be hard, We will send ECards though to those who are on line….
    Take care…much love flowing it’s way over the …pond….

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar

      Yeah something has to change with the diet I eat. I can’t keep going like this.

      Yeah we will need to tighten the belts.

      Thanks for stopping by. It was a rough day today. Work, Lots of mom stuff to do, the diverticulitis, and had to return a delivery to Amazon that had bugs in it. I’m so tired.

  3. Cocosmom Avatar

    Looks like nuts are on both list. I thought it was the things that could get stuck that you need to avoid. The list to eat has a number of things that I cannot eat and do not as it causes my throat to close up. Usually, dark breads and grains hat do it to me. I have learned to ask what kind of bun is served with the burger. I cannot not eat the potatoe buns for sure. So when my throat starts to close on me I have to just sit back and relax until it releases

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