Managing Life with Grace and Ease….or Maybe NOT!

Mephitis (hooded skunk and striped skunk)

/Sk/unk Visit

Skunk Encounters

Our Saturday morning began with “close encounters of the stinky kind”. There was a skunk in our back yard and side yard, while we were in the front yard. We saw him but we still needed to take the dogs out. So we kept an eye out! Then I lost where he went and he went in the bushes somewhere around our house. One day I’m afraid we will end up having a real encounter. I always turn the porch light on and rattle the front door pretty good before putting on the dog’s leashes to make sure anything hanging out, is gone (possum, groundhog, raccoon, skunks, coyotes, fox, and yes even and odd black bear which has been seen lately.

Bucket Lists

Ok so here is the old bucket list for Spring into Summer (2nd Quarter). I think we did pretty good based on how little time we really had to get things done. Some things are obvious and easy, other things were not. I made good progress on cleaning, added SEO integration program called YOAST, worked on Final Cut Pro color correction. I went thrifting and shopping, we saw family, we celebrated big days. We had our life group over. I failed at weight loss. I lost about 5 lbs early on but gained a couple of those back – but at least have maintained that and not continued to gain. I still needed to do work in the basement and cleaning out drawers, but I’ve made significant strides at cleaning and organizing the house. I did not have time to go to the consignment shop, gave up on buying pink capri’s, and we just didn’t have time nor the funds to go to some of the restaurants and excursions we wanted to. So some of these things will roll over to the next quarter that were undone, but some of them will just fall off.

Here’s the NEW bucket list for Summer into Fall (3rd Quarter).

I finally got this done yesterday! Yay!

It’s basically a great summer goal set up with some fun, some work, some personal stuff, family stuff, recipes to try, housework, some chores, and some movie watching. This is just enough to keep us focused and figure out where to send our time.

George added a few things (where you see a change in writing). Some I already had on there (Hattie B’s, for one). This is not to pressure us – but to guide us and help us remember what we want to do. I love putting these together and brain storming what should go into it. So I was very happy to get this done. I’m a week late, had planed on doing it July 4th and the day got away.

What do you put in a bucket list? Ask yourself these things.

  • What is it you have been wanting to do?
  • Where is it you have been wanting to go?
  • What birthdays and family outings are coming up?
  • Any clothes or things you have been wanting to buy?
  • Any trips you want to take?
  • And recipes you want to make?
  • What new things do you want to try?
  • What books do you want to read? How many?
  • What shows do you want to watch?
  • What people do you want to see or meet up with?
  • What activities do you want to do?
  • What chores do you put off that you want a little nudge to do?
  • What steps do you need to take to complete a project? Break it down.
  • What goals do you have?

A Little Grocery Run

I know it’s crazy, but George and I enjoyed our little grocery run yesterday morning. I suggested that we go earlier in the day, before the rain and storms arrived. Things are a little tight currently with our funds. So we tried to minimize it. I noticed I put more in the cart than he did. But I was about out of a lot of things for work. I had to have my Halo ice cream and my frozen Lean Cuisines. I say it was little. It was still $135! Which is about right or more each week. Even with a freezer full of meat and a pretty good stocked pantry. We just have to get perishables, some work items, pet food, paper goods, etc. I am happy having some stuff for variety at work.

I’ve noticed lately that it increases the morale when we do a grocery run and replenish a few of our favorite things and even try some new things. It made me happy. They had the Lean Cuisine Squash ravioli that I love and is only seasonal.

Speaking of the rain. The rain did come late in the afternoon and evening. No bad storms though, just kinda broke apart over us but we did have some gently rain.


person wearing white pants and white socks standing beside brown broom
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Ok so, I was able to get the floors vacuumed across the house. Then I cleaned it with the new cleaner I bought from Melaleuca, which worked great. I then polished it. The floors looked great. The only thing is that I missed some spots with the polish, so next time I know to have a better system of applying it. It was not sticky either.

So far I’ve been very happy with the Melaleuca products themselves. I think I like the laundry products also. I’m still trying everything. I ordered some beauty products but only ordered things I needed – except that I ordered a bar of soap. I wanted to try it to see if I liked it.

So I’m pretty happy with the ordering on line so far. You do have to make a minimum monthly order to get the discounts which have been pretty good on most things. But there is a wide variety of things you can buy. But the first time I don’t need anything and it wants me to spend more, will be the date I cancel. I’m not going to spend more to send others on a beach vacay or put commission in their pockets when times are hard right now. I’ve not ordered from thrive lately as I ordered some things through Melaleuca. They have granola bars and hydrate drinks and healthy snacks and I am likeing those a lot. So I’ve cut back on Thrive. Thrive has more food so once my supply is low, I’ll order again.

The Red Sonya

Ha. He’s has added some sweet and bitter and some liquors. So I was teasing him that he was naming a drink after me that was both bitter and sweet. But, I’d have to agree. Personality wise, that is about right. I can be both of those things. lol Many of you now me well and you would have to agree! lol

Here’s a photo snip of a video clip where we were discussing it. lol

The Fur Babes

Dexter is getting some attention from his Momma! He and Maddie have chased each other around the house, which is hilarious – especially when she chases him! It excites her so, but then she chickens out.

Good Eats!

We had lamb for dinner last night. And it was excellent! We are having a roast tonight.

We went to church today. And took separate cars so George could come home and do stuff. Mom and I ate a Zaxby’s and went to Pop Shelf/Dollar General Market. She got groceries and a few things fro the Pop Shelf side.

Now I’m home and trying to get some things done! Everyone have a great week! What did you do this weekend?

4 responses to “Skunk Encounters, Bucket Lists, Grocery Run, and Other Weekend Tales”

  1. sybil Avatar

    Morning Sonya, I’m glad you’ve had a nice weekend and got quite a few things done. I was staggered to read that you paid $135. !! for a weekly grocery run for the two of you…..Well I’m very pleased I don’t stay in the US. I know you live well but I think I don’t live to badly…and I know I’m often amazed when on the rare occasions I do my own shopping ( it’s hard for me to carry things into the car etc so Peter does our main shopping) I only get odd things when I’m out things have gone up so much over here as well but if Peter was to come in and say my bill was more than £30 I would probably laugh at him. As well as I might spend another £10 on extra things I find that I hadn’t thought I needed !! And every few weeks we go to the Freezer Shop to fill up the freezer that might come to another £30. ( I make a meal one night a week for Peter but I always use fresh meat for that dinner or chicken which he has brought in with the normal weekly shop). Peter also makes dinner one night a week. The big difference though between me over here and you is the fact that you are both working, whereas I’m just on a pension I’m lucky that the government are quite generous with disability pensions and I get much more than the basic pension so I don’t need to count my pennies as my dear old Mum did ! We do eat out once a month when we treat Beth and Max to dinner Mary and I pay alternately that bill is around £70 ..
    Anyway love I’ve had a nice weekend Saturday seemed busy as I had a couple of friends popped in for a visit one after the other ! But it was nice seeing them and then church yesterday, more folks were seem to stay for a cuppa, which I make for them so we didn’t get away till around 12.40. Then as it was a nice sunny quite warm day I sat out for a while reading my book…..Well love best go you will soon be getting up I think, I never have found the time difference between us, it’s 7.15am over here. Have a good week. God Bless

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar

      3 hours ago when you left this according to WordPress.
      So it was 1:15 then here- 6 hrs ahead of us.
      I think groceries might be more expensive here. We probably buy more items to microwave for work and on the go etc.

  2. Lauren Avatar

    food prices are out of control here. You don’t get much for a hundred dollars anymore. I spend around 25.00 at the produce stand. I stock up when items we use go on sale.
    So our grocery bill is around $200.00 a week. I cook during the week mostly. We eat out a lot on the weekends.
    That is funny little Maddie chases big Dexter around. I know she is well loved and taken care of at your house.

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar

      They are together today. I’m not sure if I mentioned that in my blog, but hopefully it goes well. We are letting them roam most of the house. Dexter has for a while. She was upset Sat when we went to the store and tore her pee pad to shreds. So she’s free today! lol

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