Managing Life with Grace and Ease….or Maybe NOT!

I had my followup finally with the surgeon. He gave me the notes on it, in which I had to look up a few things to understand and I’m sure I still don’t understand it all. I wish I could ask a few more questions, lol.

Bottom line, there was a perforation in my appendix that went through all the layers of the appendix. In the doctor’s words, he said “it was very inflamed and it was ready to come out”.

I let him know that I’d been having issues for almost a year. I wanted him to know (for the history of his cases) the background story. He said likely I was having appendicitis attacks in the past. He said it was rare but that it can happen. He also said you could have both. I believe that as I believe one can cause the other. And I wanted him to know that after the surgery I’ve not had any problems and have been able to basically eat what I wanted and not have to stick to soft bland foods. So there was definitely a connection.

His notes said that there were “roughened adhesions” within the serosa (outermost layer of the appendix) and adhesions are scar tissue that can form between different tissues and organs. That was one of my “aha moments” within the notes.

I also found that the clinical significance of the a roughened serosa with adhesions may be associated with previous inflammation, infection, that may have caused discomfort, pain or complications. Also another “aha” moment. So this thing likely caused some other abdominal problems, some of which impacted my lower abdominal/rectal functions.

So, yeah, I’ve known since the surgery that this was my issue. I just didn’t have technical terms to put with it. I’ve also since found that appendicitis can cause constipation and also give problems to the digestive system in some ways.

There is such a thing as Appendices Diverticulitis. There is four different types. But I’ve not fully grasped such. So I cannot tell for certain if that describes what I had. It did say that often a perforation is found at the time of operation and that because of the insidious onset, patents with appendiceal diverticulitis seek treatment later than those with classic appendicitis.

So kinda scary that I had a perforation and I know it was wildly painful that night in ER in which morphine and fentanyl did not hardly take an edge off. They did make me more comfortable (not care as much) but I could still feel the pain.

Anyway, I’m not sure I know MUCH more, but the perforation was a surprise. I just know that my stomach is much better now. And I thank the Lord every day.

gray concrete road beside brown mountain during golden hour
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A Little Bit Off-Center this Week Though

I’m struggling a bit this week though. I am a little off center. I’m trying to define it. I feel off a bit. My best guess is that:

  1. So much happened in March and then suddenly we find ourselves dumped into April, breathing a sigh of relief and leaving me looking back like “um what all just happened?”
  2. Having said #1 above, that means things are calmed down so I’m looking around like – what next, should I be doing something, should I be looking over my shoulder, should I be hiding? Do I need a shield? What now? lol
  3. March was a mixture of good and bad things so I don’t mean to sound like it was totally bad.
  4. I’m really kinda wiped out a bit. I mean I’m not a young chicken and last month I had lots of energy to get through all that we went through but now when things are calmer, I’m allowing myself to just relax some and the tiredness rolls out at that point.
  5. My BP was really high this morning at the doc office. Higher than it’s been. I’m sure it was two- three days of eating that lamb roast, some salty items, and lamb is bad for cholesterol and BP I think.
  6. It’s quarter end, but that is not so bad. I’m making progress. I am on time I think. I’ll have to file unemployment claims in my bit of spare time next week and then I’ll be doing Transport’s returns after that, some of which may be late if I don’t get it in time to have time to work on it, since most of my week contains payroll related activities.
  7. The rain/gloomy days have been many. I’m sure it’s impacted me some.
  8. Mine and George’s tiff the other night did not do me ANY favors.
  9. Sleep has been better but sometimes leaving me in a sleepy funk. Which makes me want to sleep more. And then it makes me not want to have to get ready and go to work.
  10. We have eaten well lately because of vacation, the fact that I can eat again, and so I’ve probably gained back the 5 lbs I had lost. Kinda depressing but yet kindof celebratory too of being able to eat again. But it IS time to cut back on the REALLY good stuff, like pizza, desserts, etc. But, I will wait til the ice cream is gone b/c don’t want to waste, lol.
  11. I’m envisioning retirement days and longing it for it so much that my mind is already there. But it’s not fair to me or to my work, so I need to stay present and focused. I am however, realizing I’m only human, I’ve worked since I was 15, have had a very strong work ethic (sometimes too strong – example I stayed a day and did payroll instead of heading to TX when DD was in labor, went back two days too early from appendix surgery). But I’m feeling it all now.

However, I’m glad it’s the weekend. If you made it this far, you are my hero. No one ever reads my rubbish anymore! I hardly ever get comments. I figure I’m too far out there for most. lol. But I am just going to be me, because I can’t really be anyone else. I’m not pretty to look at but I do have a pretty decent heart, I hope.

Ya’ll have a great weekend. I’ll post the next video in the morning!

7 responses to “Appendix Surgery Follow-Up Appt and Feeling a Bit Off Center”

  1. Catsandcoffee Avatar

    You’re funny and I like your honest blogs.

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar
  2. sybil wilson Avatar
    sybil wilson

    Morning lovely Sonya. I’m so so pleased that at last your health is better. I had thought for a long time that maybe you had appendicitis problems but had never heard of it going on for so long before it came to a head. I’m just thankful it didn’t burst before they took it out….just in time by the looks of it….. As for the way you’re feeling mentally I think it is a lot to do with the change in seasons I think we all feel different especially between winter and spring. I have been feeling a bit off as well. But yesterday for first time in months and months I was able to sit out in quite warm sunshine…it was bliss…
    So I hope maybe this weekend you can just do the same….relax in the sun. Take care

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar

      Yes supposed to be pretty today!

  3. Read Between the Lyme Avatar

    It sounds like you’ve found some answers to your health issues. For me, that helps. Also, I think you are making the right decision on the ice cream: none should go to waste! 🙂

  4. Lauren Avatar

    I’m glad you are feeling better. As long as you had to practically starve because of pain you deserve some icecream.

    1. LessHustleMoreCoffee Avatar

      Yeah I kinda developed a little sweet tooth. Got to calm it down lol! 😂

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