Managing Life with Grace and Ease….or Maybe NOT!

Dear Lord

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

Dear Lord,

Help me not to bite anyone’s head off today after not getting much sleep last night due to Roger’s needing to get up and down out of bed, and neither of us not getting much sleep. Even when he is sleeping sound, I am now waking up for no reason from dreaming that he needs up or down out of bed and attended to.

Thank you for helping me to be calm when I stepped in his sh#@ this morning in the dark and spread it all over the carpet, while I was already aghast and mad at the lack of sleep. And for George who patiently cleaned it up while I showered and got the crud off my feet.

Thank you for the hot coffee to wake me up. And the essential oils in my shower to lighten my mood. And for my chair corner to read about loving others in John I and II while I’m ready to scream bloody murder through the neighborhood for my rude awakening this morning.

Thank you for my patience that we do not have pet friendly floors yet even though soon we will not have any pets any longer. And hopefully we will not have carpet any longer. Thank you also on that note for giving me patience with my husband that we still have blue linoleum since 2008 when we moved in and I said it was one of the first things I wanted to change in this house. Continue to give me patience with our outdated kitchen with it’s new microwave that has to be begged to work, with the nasty and broken stoves that make me not even want to be in the kitchen anymore, and the ugly outdated plastic countertops – or whatever they are made of. I promise to cook again and more often, if it gets updated.

I know somewhere in my heart I need to be grateful this morning. And I’m trying. But right now I’m crying out over a lack of sleep, lowered morale from life’s sh#@ which sheds light and brings to the surface all the other things in life I’m irritated with. I mean if one steps in sh#@ before coffee in the morning it seems to give license to moan and groan at least for a minute?

Thank you for being the father you are and for being patient with me for venting first instead of glorifying you and praising you first. I know you understand my human powers are not as perfectly ordered as yours. Thanks for being our refuge, our Daddy, that we can run and sit on your knees and pour our hearts out, with sh#@tty feet, clean feet, ugly feet, ugly kitchens, blue kitchens, shaggy carpet, and with dreams about wooden floors, RV’s, retirement, and most of all SLEEP. I know you take requests. I’m praying for all that by the way. Send your angels to guard me today. I’m going to need it. Can you send the archangel Michael? He seems nice. Does he look like John Travolta? Just kidding. I know that wasn’t nice. I can’t see him anyway. But for a morale booster on a sh#@ ladened day, it is a fun thought. Sorry! Forgive me several times I know I need it. I promise my attitude will get better. But keep me from the pitfalls – I mean sh#@falls of life!

In Jesus Name,


3 responses to “Dear Lord”

  1. Sybil Avatar

    I’m having quite some trouble getting into comments today. In the end I came in via Google. Anyway love I’m sorry that you have had such an awful stinky start to your day. Handing it all over to God is the best thing you can do, never forget thanking him for all the good things he has provided for you, that wonderful wee grandson top of the list….
    Hope the rest of your day is going more smoothly and you found peace after asking our great God for it……If things are getting too much for you during the day take yourself away to a quiet place and take a few deep breaths and you will I am sure feel better. God Bless.

  2. Mona Avatar

    LOL, Sonya! You made me giggle! Sorry about your s@#tty night/morning. I really hope all of your prayers are answered someday. I still remember when you were buying your current house and said the blue linoleum HAD to GO! I bet it’s felt like a long 13 years waiting for it to happen!

    1. Backporchwriter Avatar

      Yes! I was hoping someone would see my humor in this today. I bet the angels and the devils were laughing at my step into sh$#dom this morning! Argh!

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