Managing Life with Grace and Ease….or Maybe NOT!

Well, here’s how this week’s “To List” has been constructed. I spent some time at lunch one day just combining all my lists. Yes, there is a little overlap there b/w quadrant 2 and 3. But think of it as Priority 1, 2, 3, and 4, but easily kinda broken down into time frames there with Priority in mind. After Texas sooner, but Before Christmas, later. The To Do list is updated now and our Texas trip is near. I’m taking a vacay day today to buy things for George for Christmas and hopefully get my nails done, but may have to reserve that for Sunday or Monday. And it’s 10:18 now and I meant to be gone by now. I was having the peaceful morning until Roger needed to go out and I needed to get shower and I hit some button and lost all of my blog post I’d spent an hour doing. Each blog post is different. I’ve already combusted and purged those thoughts from earlier, so these are different ones. Oh well. Then, in an effort to speed things up, took a shower so hair could dry and I remembered while in shower that George had given me an updated list of things he wanted and I didn’t remember seeing it with my things. Where did it go? I have searched in purse, back pack, desk, and anywhere I’ve been in the house and could not find it anywhere. To be someone that tries to be organized or at least pretends to be – I cannot find that list anywhere. He had to remember and then text it back. What I wonder if since it was his handwriting if he has gathered it up with his own notes. I remember when he gave it to me it was not good timing. I was carrying laundry or in the middle of something and laid it down. He said it was on the kitchen table but it is not there now. Not being able to find things sends me in a tyrade quicker than anything. I reached for a pen in my desk cup and no pens were there only sharpies. Those sharpies that can never be found when you need one – yet there they are smiling at me like “here we are don’t you need us?”. Where are the pens? Where is the list? Where’s the beef? And why am I having such a desheveled day at home on my vacay day? And now I’m late and developing QUITE the mood. I stop for decaf coffee. I just bought a box of it. And now I’m having to dig for one and can’t find one? Are you kidding me? I have only had two! And where are they going? I thought I was the only one drinking them. So told Alexa to add to the grocery list. Hit the button for my coffee – ok more water. Thank God there is plenty of that. And start it up. Now I sit with coffee, pens, and finally clothes as I WAS running around the house naked looking for that darn list. So coffee, pens and now a blog — but oh wait —what? When I sit, these jeans are too tight? What??? Awww man! It’s because I ate 4 biscuits for dinner last night with red eye gravy and molasses. And had extra butter on everything. Oh man. So I go change. I go through two more pair of jeans – too tight but didn’t really like those anyway I say to make myself feel better and put them in the bag for Thred UP. Geez. Cleanse day gonna happen Monday and I’ve not had the slightest bit of problem the last year and a half fitting in these jeans until today and the vacation and the holiday has not even started. Note to self to add “fat jeans” to my shopping list today. Finally one pair that fits and I sit and they are too tight when I sit. What is happening to me today? Why can’t I eat 4 biscuits and get away with it when I’ve had crappy nothing lunches all week? I only weighed 30 lbs more a while back and could eat all the lunches I wanted. Of course I was a growing girl still though. Hmmph. OK no more bread for me! This did nothing for my mood.

So back to blogging as I unbutton these jeans so I can sit. Dammit. Sorry.

Yesterday I was eating almonds b/c I was just a bit hungry and it wasn’t 11 yet. I mean who heats up lunch at 10:30 a.m.? So in an effort to hold me over I popped a few almonds in my mouth and felt something hard when I bit down. Part of my tooth broke off that had a filling in it. This was in the area that had some pain when I went and had it checked out a few weeks ago. He told me then it could be a hairline crack around the filling and one day I’d bite down and it would crack off but he couldn’t see it if there was one. And it did just that. He couldn’t see it then but had wondered if that was the case and he was right -that was it. So only a crown needed – no root canal or anything. I got a temporary crown. And have an late afternoon appointment the Thursday after we get back from Texas for the real crown. It’s not every day you get to be crowned right? lol Perhaps we’ll schedule tea and cakes afterward? lol I was really weird though after that. I mean all the drilling, the glue, the numbing agents in my gum. I just felt kinda high or something. Like I was in a bubble. I hadn’t had hardly anything to eat all day either so I figured those chemicals were messing with me. I wanted a Krystal so bad but didn’t want to fight traffic to get one and imagined the laughter over “1 Krystal Please” and I would so embarrassed I’d order three and didn’t need it. So finally home and I didn’t want to do anything but eat and play games. I even ignored the laundry. I just wanted quiet, peace, and warmth, and sleep. We ate- oh yes, a little bit too well with our country ham, eggs, grits and those biscuits – which we can’t digest so it sits around my belly like a balloon full of jello and rocks. But it was good at the time.

So the big thing for me this week is to find “games” I like – for moments just like yesterday and for chilling out – wow – I haven’t said that term since I was in my 20’s I think. Where did that come from?

I have tried to find the hidden object games with nice scenes and music playing in the back ground. I loved Hidden Chronicles at one time. But it is no longer in existence. I am tired of all the Candy Crushes and all that. I mean they are fine but sometimes you just want some thing different. I’m tired of Tropical Farmville as there is never anything to look forward to. And the game I really like I downloaded recently will hardly give you any game play time before you are out of energy. Darn them.

Anyway, I downloaded several and will try doing a few escape rooms and word games. I seem to like those until I get stuck. No I don’t have time for these games, but at home after work I like to relax with a glass of wine and play for a bit to transition. And I’ll pick it up right before bed time sometimes.

I have ordered a planner for 2020 that will be both my personal and work planner. I probably should have let work pay for it, lol, as they offered to buy our calendars, but anyway, since I’m using it too, for personal and work I’ll buy it. I’ll also buy my two work calendars for the wall (there are two – one for the vacation center and one for the PR center – opposite walls but needed for quick referral in both cases while either doing PR or pulling PTO forms). I am buying my planner too b/c I like to pick out what I use every year and I can find them cheaper anyway than Office Depot and theirs is not as pretty unless it’s over the top expensive. I think I had 3 or 4 planners last year (embarrassed to say that) and wasn’t really happy with any of them. It has to work – and one was too little – one was too big and bulky and one had too many bells and whistles. This one is flatter, bendable, has the calendar planner for the month, and the weekly one and also has a small to do section at the bottom and another section for planning your ideas for that month. All shown in the pics above. It will be here soon from Amazon. 😉 I’m happy with that. I am just not going to be able to use this big ring hard back design that would take me into next June – just was not what I thought it was. I like the inside just too big hard and bulky.

Dang those biscuits! Anyway, I need to get going as it’s almost lunch time and I’ve not budged yet due to all of the mornings debacles! What am I thinking? That I can just do everything I want in ONE DAY? ONE DAY? I can’t have my biscuits and eat them too? I have one PTO day (today) to shop for George b/w now and Christmas and I’m about to go see what I can do now in 1/2 and afternoon instead of a whole day.

Yes, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to fit too much into a small bit of time. And too much fat into these jeans. This is disheartening.

NO MORE BISCUITS! Ok I know we’ve just had a big weekend last weekend of eating a lot of stuffing and desserts and pretty much have lived it up for a couple of weeks anyway and there was that Egg McMuffin I had yesterday too and last nights biscuits. But gotta reign it back in for a few days – then vacay and then holidays. So back to shakes, salad and tuna when I’m on my own. Darn it. Wish me luck on all fronts: success shopping, back on track for eating healthy, and…..trying to be organized! Lord please help me. A lot to do and not much time. Christmas Village tomorrow but gotta get George’s done today!

4 responses to “Disheveled Morning and NO MORE Biscuits!”

  1. Jan Avatar

    I just got back from Washington, D.C. and Denver, and my pants are feeling a little tight today too. I hope you’re able to get all your things done today.

  2. Cocosmom Avatar

    You might be eating too many additives in the frozen dinner that are holding on to your weight. They also make you want more. Check out all the labels. I snack on pickled beets, spicy pickles and olives when I want something salty. When I want a Krystal I drive thru order 1, small fries and water. Guess they laugh at me. Okay that will fill me up and I don’t need anymore.

  3. 7monica7 Avatar

    What’s a Krystal?
    It’s sad but funny that our jeans tell us “What’s up?”. Good luck shopping. Enjoy your weekend!!

  4. Lauren Avatar

    I just had a green smoothie. I am trying to lose weight too. It is so hard after 50, I love country ham biscuits. But can’t have them often. I am worried about not gaining at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh well, it is what it is.. Have a great weekend.

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